
Fatal Fentanyl:
Silent Killer Lurking

“Drug traffickers are driving addiction, and increasing their profits, by mixing Fentanyl with other illicit drugs. Tragically, many overdose victims have no idea they are ingesting deadly Fentanyl until it’s too late.”

– Anne Milgram
DEA Administrator

The availability of NARCAN® to everyone is of paramount importance in combating the growing opioid crisis. NARCAN®, also known as naloxone, is a life-saving medication that can rapidly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. By blocking opioid receptors in the brain, it can restore normal breathing and prevent death in critical situations.

Making NARCAN® widely accessible to the general public has the potential to save countless lives. Opioid overdoses can occur anywhere and at any time, affecting individuals from all walks of life. By equipping not only medical professionals but also friends, family members, and even bystanders with NARCAN®, we create a network of first responders who can intervene swiftly in emergency situations.

Time is of the essence when it comes to opioid overdoses, and having NARCAN® readily available allows for immediate intervention, providing a crucial window of opportunity for medical professionals to arrive and provide further care.

Who We Are

Dr. Donna Klauser

Periodontist & Founder

I started ChangetheRX after seeing Pharmacist Dr. Tina Altomeh's CVS 'Dangers of Opioid Use' at my daughter's High School PTA meeting. Dr. Altomeh's chilling words that she attended more funerals than weddings in her age group (25-45 yrs) was extremely upsetting. I had my own encounter with Norco overuse with my C-section 20 years ago and was grateful to be weaned off of it by my physician. I know how one may quickly become addicted. There is no room for judgment. Only room for love and helping our fellow human. I met retired Firefighter/Paramedic & Concert Photographer, Tony Smith, and we started to ask musicians to pose with NARCAN®. We are grateful for all the musicians and volunteers who've helped us promote ChangetheRX. 🫶🏼

Board Members

Dr. Tina Altomeh


Katherine Andia

BA, Psychology

Working to save lives by distributing NARCAN® and raising awareness about the dangers of Fentanyl poisoning


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